
Zoran Vakula, Nik Titanik: Snowflaky, hardcover
Cijena: 15,00 €



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Autori Zoran Vakula, Nik Titanik
Opis "Snowflaky" is the forth in the series of weather picture books "Weather Tales" - a picture book on the topic of meteorology. Their goal is to educate - bring some frequently mentioned meteorological terms closer to children, so that they can later better understand and benefit from meteorological information, especially in this era of increasingly obvious climate changes and global warming.

The theme of "Snowflaky" is the snow. With the little boy Snješko (Snowy), children learn what snow is, how it forms, what types of snow we have, what the positive and negative consequences of the existence of snow are, the frequency of snow at Christmas in the Croatian lowlands and mountains, the highest height of the snow cover in Croatia...

"Snowflaky" is not only a picture story, but also has rebuses, anagrams, crosswords, and even a colouring book.

Translation: Sandra Dujmušić

Šifra 1205706
Izdavač Naklada Vakula
Uvez tvrdi
Broj stranica 32
Godina izdanja 2024
ISBN 978-953-50373-9-2
Format 22 x 22