Opis proizvoda
Autori | Robin Harris |
Opis | The new book by Robin Harris, "Croatia: A History. From Revolution to Independence," is written as a synthesis of modern and contemporary Croatian history, covering the period from the mid-19th century to the creation of the modern Croatian state. Although one might expect such a synthesis to rely primarily on available literature, this book is largely based on the author's own research and insights into various aspects of the issues addressed within it. When existing literature is used, the author does not merely convey or summarize its content; instead, he approaches the subject matter critically and analytically, thereby arriving at new understandings of the topics he discusses. It is difficult to enumerate briefly all the topics Harris covers in this extensive synthesis in English, but it should be highlighted and reiterated that this is an excellent work. It addresses all the significant aspects of Croatian historical development from the mid-19th century to the creation of the modern Croatian state in a well-founded, objective, and critical manner. “Deeply researched, critical, and lucidly written, this is a major work. Robin Harris combines the skills of a highly accomplished historian …with the expertise of a first-hand witness to high politics... Everyone interested in the modern history of south-east Europe will benefit from reading this book.” Noel Malcolm, All Souls College, Oxford, author of Bosnia: A Short History *** “This is an excellent work. It addresses all the significant aspects of Croatian historical development from the mid-nineteenth century to the creation of the modern Croatian state in a well-founded, objective, and critical manner”. Miroslav Akmadža, Director of the Croatian Institute of History, author of Franjo Kuharić – kardinal i vlast (“Franjo Kuharić – Cardinal and Power”) *** “Robin Harris has surpassed himself.... In this compelling tour de force Harris shows that Croatia's history is fundamentally western, with all the pluses and minuses that entails”. Brendan Simms, Professor of the History of European International Relations, Cambridge, author of Unfinest Hour: Britain and the Destruction of Bosnia *** “…The scale and authority of this study places this book at the head of current literature on the history of Croatia.” David Abulafia, Professor Emeritus of Mediterranean History, Cambridge, author of The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean About the author Robin Harris is an historian, biographer, and journal¬ist. He was born in 1952 in Falmouth, Cornwall, England. He now lives in and is a citizen of Croatia. Since moving to Zagreb in the summer of 2016, he has been a lecturer in history at the Croatian Catholic University and is a frequent public commentator on topical themes. Before coming to Croatia, he spent many years as a political adviser under Margaret Thatcher. He was awarded a CBE for political and public service in 1988. As a journalist, he has written regularly in newspapers and journals such as the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail, The (London) Times, the Spectator, Standpoint, the Catholic Herald, and National Review. As an historian, he has written books about Britain, France and Croatia. Based on his doctoral research, he wrote a history of Gascony in the late Middle Ages, Valois Guyenne (published in 1994). His Dubrovnik – A History (published in 2003) is the author¬itative single-volume study of the City State of Dubrovnik. For it, he was awarded the Dubrovnik City Prize by the City Council of Dubrovnik in 2007 and the Order of the Morning Star of Croatia by the President of the Republic of Croatia in 2008. It was reissued in Croatian in 2022 by Školska knjiga. In 2007 he wrote a biography of the French nineteenth cen¬tury statesman, Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, Talleyrand – Betrayer and Saviour of France. In 2011 he wrote The Conservatives – A History, the only comprehensive history of the British Conservative Party. In 2013 he wrote Not for Turning – The Complete Life of Margaret Thatcher. In 2016 he wrote Stepinac – His Life and Times, a study of the beatified War-time Archbishop of Zagreb, also published in Croatian by Školska knjiga. O knjizi Nova knjiga Robina Harrisa Croatia: A History. From Revolution to Independence pisana je kao sinteza moderne i suvremene hrvatske povijesti, odnosno pokriva razdoblje od polovice 19. stoljeća do stvaranja suvremene hrvatske države. Iako sinteza za koju bi se očekivalo da se temelji u prvom redu na dostupnoj literaturi, ta je knjiga umnogome utemeljena i na autorovim vlastitim istraživanjima i spoznajama o nizu aspekta problematike obrađene u njoj. Kada se i koristi postojećom literaturom, autor ne prenosi i ne prepričava ono što je u njoj sadržano, nego problematici pristupa kritički i analitički te dolazi i do novih spoznaja o onome o čemu piše. Teško je ukratko pobrojati sve ono o čemu je Harris u ovoj opširno sintezi na engleskom jeziku pisao, no treba istaknuti i ponoviti kako je riječ o vrsnom djelu koje na utemeljen i objektivan te kritički način progovara o svim važnim aspektima hrvatskoga povijesnoga razvoja od polovice 19. stoljeća do stvaranja suvremene hrvatske države. O autoru Robin Harris je povjesničar, biograf i novinar. Rođen je 1952. godine u Falmouthu, Cornwall, Engleska. Sada živi u Hrvatskoj i ima hrvatsko državljanstvo. Otkako se preselio u Zagreb u ljeto 2016., predavač je povijesti na Hrvatskom katoličkom sveučilištu i čest je javni komentator na aktualne teme. Prije dolaska u Hrvatsku, proveo je mnogo godina kao politički savjetnik pod Margaret Thatcher. Godine 1988. dobio je CBE (Red Britanskog Carstva) za političku i javnu službu. Kao novinar, redovito je pisao za novine i časopise poput Daily Telegrapha, Daily Maila, The (London) Timesa, Spectatora, Standpointa, Catholic Heralda i National Reviewa. Kao povjesničar, napisao je knjige o Britaniji, Francuskoj i Hrvatskoj. Na temelju svog doktorskog istraživanja napisao je povijest Gaskonje u kasnom srednjem vijeku, "Valois Guyenne" (objavljena 1994.). Njegova knjiga "Povijest Dubrovnika" (objavljena 2003.) smatra se autoritativnom jednozvezčnom studijom Dubrovačke Republike. Za nju je 2007. godine nagrađen Nagradom Grada Dubrovnika od Gradskog vijeća Dubrovnika i Redom Danice hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića od predsjednika Republike Hrvatske 2008. godine. Knjiga je ponovno izdana na hrvatskom jeziku 2022. godine u izdanju Školske knjige. Godine 2007. napisao je biografiju francuskog državnika iz 19. stoljeća, Charlesa-Mauricea de Talleyranda, pod nazivom "Talleyrand – izdajnik i spasitelj Francuske". Godine 2011. napisao je "Povijest konzervativaca", jedinu sveobuhvatnu povijest Britanske konzervativne stranke. Godine 2013. napisao je "Not for Turning – Potpuni život Margaret Thatcher". Godine 2016. napisao je "Stepinac – njegov život i vrijeme", studiju o blaženom ratnom nadbiskupu Zagreba, također objavljenu na hrvatskom jeziku u izdanju Školske knjige. Recenzije „Ovo je značajno djelo, detaljno istraženo, kritički i lucidno napisano. Robin Harris spaja vještine izuzetno stručnog povjesničara (autor je klasične studije o povijesti Dubrovnika) s ekspertizom neposrednog svjedoka politike na visokoj razini (bio je glavni savjetnik Margarete Thatcher), kako bi stvorio neuobičajeno čitljiv prikaz kompleksne povijesti, koji potiče na razmišljanje. Svi zainteresirani za suvremenu povijest jugoistočne Europe imat će korist čitajući ovu knjigu.“ - Noel Malcolm, All Souls College, Oxford, autor Bosnia: A Short History „Kombinirajući neumoljivost impozantnog znanstvenika i lakoću pisanja nadarenog i iskusnog autora, dr. Harris napisao je povijest suvremene Hrvatske koja će vjerojatno ostati standardno djelo u budućim desetljećima.“ - Simon Heffer, profesor suvremene povijesti na Sveučilištu Buckingham, autor Sing as we Go: Britain between the Wars |
Šifra | 062407 |
Izdavač | Školska knjiga |
Uvez | tvrdi |
Broj stranica | 800 |
Godina izdanja | 2024 |
ISBN | 978-953-0-62407-8 |
Format | 16.5 x 23.5 |
Tip proizvoda | Strana knjiga |